Working with a megastar is no sweat for 'Saaho' director Sujeeth, who said he had no pressure collaborating with Prabhas as the actor trusts him. He said, "I did not feel the pressure to direct a big star like Prabhas. He has faith in me and my work and that matters the most to me. Also, the producers and the team members showed confidence in me. But now that the film is gearing for release in few months, I can feel the pressure."
Trailer of the action thriller dropped last week and received positive buzz on social media. The movie was offered to Prabhas before he became a nationwide phenomenon with 'Baahubali' and its sequel. "I had the script of 'Saaho', which was ready before 'Baahubali'. I narrated him the story and he loved it." The movie marks Bollywood actress Shraddha Kapoor's Telugu debut.
“It is an important role for the female character. Shraddha drives the film to the end. It was a conscious decision to make my female characters strong. When we started working on the teaser, we had two options here - to go with Prabhas, considered as a huge star and you expect him to be there in the opening scene. And other was to begin it with Shraddha and we chose the latter,” the filmmaker said.
She, however, is not the only Bolly cast. The film also stars Bollywood actors like Mandira Bedi, Jackie Shroff, Neil Nitin Mukesh and Chunky Pandey. “It was never intentional to cast a Bollywood actor for the film. Whoever I think is apt for the story I cast them, actors like Jackie Shroff, Neil Nitin Mukesh, Chunky Pandey and Shraddha Kapoor were the best choice for the film,” Sujeeth said.