Filmmaker Geetu Mohandas' Malayalam-Hindi bilingual movie 'Moothon' has been streamed on ZEE5 from July 24. The film, which features ace actor Nivin Pauly in the lead, revolves around a 14 year old who travels to Mumbai from Lakshadweep in search of his elder brother but gets trapped in the underbelly of the city.
Nivin took to social media to share a poster of the film. He wrote. “Moothon premiering on #Zee5! Don't miss it!” The film is co-produced by Anurag Kashyap, who has also written the Hindi dialogues of the film. Nivin also announced the film has been selected for the New York Indian Film Festival, and nominated across four categories- best film, best director, best actor, and best child actor.
'Moothon' is Geetu's second feature, after 2014's 'Liar's Dice'- India's official entry to the Oscars.