Popular south Indian actress Nithya Menen spoke up about sexual harassment in the industry and her ways of protecting herself. The south film industry has their own cross to bear, with incidents like an actor being abducted and assaulted in Kochi, a plan masterminded by Malayalam superstar Dileep. Consequently, actors like Parvathy and director Anjali Menon joined hands to launch the 'Women in Cinema Collective' to identify the problems faced by women in the Malayalam film industry and explore ways to address them.
Nithya, who has worked in Malayalam films like 'Akasha Gopuram', 'Apoorvaragam', and 'Ustad Hotel', did not join the organisation. When asked why she didn't feel like joining the fraternity members who formed a collective, especially after women from Malayalam cinema came out with stories of being assaulted, Menen said, “I completely understand the thing that people are facing. I do everything possible to counter it. Just because I am not doing it one way, doesn't mean that I am not countering those things or I am not against it. I am, but I have a different approach.”
She added, “I believe that my way is only through my work. The way that I work and the kind of things that I do, the way that I approach people when I am working... all of this gives a strong message to people that I am working with, and to people who are watching my films. I have the same view as everybody else, but I prefer doing it my way. I don't think that somebody is doing anything wrong or I don't want to be a part of it. I am very much part of it. It's just that I have a different way of countering the whole thing.”
When asked if she will walk out of a film if someone from it gets accused of sexual misconduct, Nithya said, “Absolutely, and I have. I do it, but I do it silently. I have said 'no' to a film because of something like that.” On the work front, Menen has an array of films lined up, including her Bollywood debut, 'Mission Mangal'.