Actor Nazriya Nazim took to her Instagram handle to share a star-studded selfie that brought joy to a lot of fans. The mirror selfie featured Fahadh Faasil, Dulquer Salmaan and his wife Amal Sufiya, Prithviraj and his wife Supriya Menon. The Malayalam film industry stars were apparently catching up post the easing of lockdown restrictions in Kerala.
On the work front, all actors have several interesting projects in the pipeline. Nazriya has signed a Telugu film titled 'Ante Sunaraniki' featuring Nani in the lead role. Meanwhile, Fahadh's highly-anticipated film 'Malik' is set to premiere on a streaming platform. He also has 'Malayankunju', 'Pushpa', and 'Vikram' in his kitty.
Prithviraj is waiting for the release of his horror thriller 'Cold Case' which is set to premiere on Amazon Prime Video on June 30. He also has two other films 'Kuruthi' and 'Brahmam' in the pipeline. Dulquer on the other hand, is set to release his movie 'Kurup'. He also has Tamil film 'Hey Sinamika', and Telugu film 'Yuddham Tho Rasina Prema Katha' in the works.