Actress Nayanthara has been once again targeted by actor-politician Radha Ravi, who passed lewd comments against her while campaigning for the BJP-AIADMK alliance ahead of the Tamil Nadu assembly elections. A video that has gone viral on social media features him taking a distasteful dig at the actress.
He says he never spoke ill of her before, however, it became a huge issue and he was temporarily dismissed from the DMK party. “How is Nayanthara related to DMK? Is she their public relations officer? Why do they have to dismiss me if I talk about her? Before they could ask me to leave, I tendered my permanent resignation. If she is in a relationship with Udhayanidhi, what can I do?” he says. Udhayanidhi is the son of DMK leader Stalin, and also an actor. He has worked with Nayanthara in multiple Tamil films.
Actress Chinmayi jumped in and gave her two pennies' worth on the issue and said she is tired and sick of Radha Ravi's behaviour.