Director Sarjun KM, who created a buzz with his short films, 'Lakshmi' and 'Maa,' will be directing Nayanthara next. Sarjun has already completed his debut feature film, 'Echarikkai Idhu Manithargal Nadamadum Idam (EMNI),' which stars Varalaxmi Sarathkumar, Sathyaraj, Kishore and Vivek Rajagopal. Talking about how he managed to rope in Nayan, he says, "I have been in touch with producer Kotapadi Rajesh for the past few months. After the release of my short film, he had asked me if I had any script for Nayanthara. I told him a one-line. He was impressed and arranged for a meeting with her. I gave a one-hour narration to Nayanthara and she, too, liked the script and agreed to star in the film."
The film will be an out-and-out horror movie. "It is a serious horror film, not a horror comedy," he says. Sarjun says that the film is likely to go on floors in the next 2-3 months, though he adds that the rest of the cast and crew are yet to be decided. Meanwhile, he has been flooded with positive responses to 'Maa.' "While 'Lakshmi' had an equal number of positive and negative responses, for 'Maa,' it has been almost entirely positive, and people are liking the theme," he said.