Tamannaah is all set for the release of 'Kanne Kalaimaane' directed by Seenu Ramasamy, starring Udhayanidhi Stalin in the lead, and Vadivukkarasi, Shaji Chen and Vasundhara Kashyap in supporting role. In a recent interview, Tamannaah was asked who was her favourite contemporary actor and actress in Tamil. She said her favourite actress was Nayanthara and actor was Ajith. Talking about Nayanthara, she said, “She is like a hero. She has only become better and better and that is very rare.”
The actress also added, “She has become more and more popular. She has done better films as time has elapsed. She is very conscious about what kind of work she does. So I love her graph. I think it's one of its kind.” It is to be noted that Tamannaah and Nayanthara are both acting in 'Sye Raa Narasimha Reddy' in Telugu.