Behindwoods Com, a leading Kollywood entertainment website, has presented 'The Golden Lady Of South Indian Box Office' to Nayanthara, the lady superstar. In the male-dominated industry, she has created a niche for herself. She chooses women-centric scripts that enhances her performance that creates a special impact for her on screen. Her defined beauty comes next to her effortless performance and dedication.
On getting the award she said,: "Only when I am presented with an award, I am able to realize that I have done so many films. Every day is a new day according to me and I hardly realize my growth. I am extremely proud of this. I thank my entire team and all my fans for all the support I receive constantly. The support and encouragement you all give me mean the world to me. If I am able to survive in the industry standing very strong, it is only because of you all. Thank you Behindwoods once again."