Actor Nani took to social media to introduce Adivi Sesh as the lead in his Telugu production 'HIT: The 2nd Case'. Unravelling a poster to mark the announcement of the second chapter in the franchise, Nani wrote that Sesh will be seen playing an even more badass character than Vishwak Sen's role in the first part.
“AS is KD @AdiviSesh is Krishna Dev :)) Double badass ‼️
Welcome onboard officer #HIT2 @KolanuSailesh @PrashantiTipirn @Garrybh88 @maniDop @Meenachau6 @komaleeprasad @JohnSEduri @ManishaADutt”, he wrote.
Sesh will be seen playing Homicide Intervention Team (HIT) character Krishna Dev. The project will be produced by Nani and directed by Sailesh Kolanu. Nani made a blockbuster entry into productions with 2018's 'Awe'. It was exceptionally well received by audiences and fared well at the box office. The movie featured Kajal Aggarwal in the lead as a character suffering from multiple split personality disorder.