Filmmaker Nagesh Kukunoor, known for Bollywood films like 'Hyderabad Blues', 'Rockford' and 'Iqbal', is making his Telugu debut with yet-untitled sports romantic comedy starring Keerthy Suresh in the titular role. In a recent interview, Kukunoor revealed that he’s terrified about finally making a film in his mother tongue Telugu. “I’ve started directing it and the first schedule is over. The official launch will happen soon. I’m terrified doing a Telugu film. It’s my mother tongue but I never learned to read and write in Telugu,” he said.
“It’s one of my biggest regrets. So every time I was either offered a Telugu film or thought about it, I was always terrified. It’s like delving into a new language. I knew whenever I do direct, I would have to do a lot of homework,” he added.
The makers officially annouced that the project has already gone on floors. While Aadhi Pinisetty, Jagapathi Babu and Rahul Ramakrishna will be seen in the lead roles, the makers are yet to reveal rest of the cast and crew. Devi Sri Prasad is also on board to compose music. The film will be produced by Sudheer Chandra which will be predominantly shot in Hyderabad and Pune. The project is set to hit the screens in September.