South actor Nagarjuna will be doing the Hindi film 'Brahmastra' after a gap of 15 years. “It is my first Hindi film in a very long time. I can’t remember when was the last time I did a Hindi film. I think it was Mahesh Bhatt’s Zakhm.” Reminded that his last Hindi film was J.P. Dutta’s 'LOC Kargil' in 2003, the actor’s memory is nimbly nudged.
“Oh yes, LOC. But that was a brief role, though a lot of fun to do. Zakhm was my last full-fledged role in a Hindi film. I still remember Alia Bhatt as a child on Bhatt saab’s set. Now I am working with her in Brahmastra. How time flies.” Nagarjuna is looking forward to working with the entire 'Brahmastra' team.
“Except Amitji (Amitabh Bachchan) with whom I’ve worked in 'Khuda Gawah,' they are all new to me. I’m working for the first time with Karan Johar, (director) Ayan Mukherjee, Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor.”
The actor, who has in the past shone in Hindi films like 'Angaaray,' 'Criminal' and 'Zakhm,' sounds a bit surprised at being offered a major Hindi film at this stage of his career. Asked about his role, he said: “To be honest, I’m not very sure of the extent of my role. But it’s a pivotal part. And they probably thought of me because the role suits my personality.”