South Indian hunk Naga Chaitanya, who played the role of A Nageswara Rao, his grandfather, in Savitri's biopic 'Mahanati' recently opened up on how it felt to step into the shoes of his grandfather. The actor explains how hesitant he was initially to play the role of his grandfather on screen and was hoping he would get to say no to Nag Ashwin. He said, “When Naggy approached me, I told him I needed time to decide and first called my father. I was hoping he would say no, so that I could tell Naggy that my family was not okay with this. However, I ended up playing the part.”
Chay also recalled the time in school when he was asked if he had watched 'Devadas', one of his grandfather's most popular films, and he said he hadn't. “I was sent out of class and told that I cannot back till I watch the films,” he quipped. The actor added that if he had not acted in 'Mahanati', he would have regretted it. “If someone else had worked on the film instead of me, I wouldn't have been able to live with the guilt.”