The first look of Vijay starring AR Murugadoss' 'Sarkar' was launched amid much fanfare on Thalapathy's birthday. A major day of celebration for Vijay fans, the first poster unfortunately saw a dapper Vijay brandishing a black cigarette with a skyscraper backdrop. The look immediately received criticism for “promoting” smoking. Former health minister Anbumani Ramadoss tweeted, “You'll look more stylish without that cigarette. #SmokingKills #SmokingCausesCancer”. In another tweet he wrote, “Shame on Actor Vijay for promoting Smoking in this first look of his next movie. #ActResponsibly #DoNotPromoteSmoking.”
In a development on the report, it is said that the Tamil Nadu Health Department has sent notices to Vijay and AR Murugadoss. Media reports said makers have been warned that legal action will be taken if the images are not taken down. Following the lashing, the first look image has been taken down from the official handle of Sun Pictures, producers of the film. Even Vijay's Twitter handle now has the first look with a statutory smoking warning added to the bottom of the poster.
Apart from Vijay, 'Sarkar stars Keerthy Suresh, Varalakshmi Sarathkumar, and Yogi Babu among others. AR Rahman will render music to the film.