Actor Amala Paul has courted fresh controversy with her brand new film 'Aadai'. Morning shows of her movie were reportedly cancelled in Chennai, and updates suggest that a case has been filed against the makers alleging that the movie will promote rape culture. A report has claimed that Chennai politician Priya Rajeshwari has mentioned in her complaint that the nudity in the film "will send out a wrong message to the youth and will encourage rape culture". 'Aadai' was reportedly awarded an A certificate by the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC).
Ever since the trailer of the film dropped, it has been a hot topic of discussion online. While many loved it, there were others who were offended by nude scenes and a kiss between Amala and Ramya. Talking about the scene, Amala said, "That shot was spontaneous and not scripted. Once you are in the character, you should let your inner actor take over you. There is nothing sexual here. You have to watch the film to understand the context of the scene. In fact, I felt extremely powerful."
She added, "Initially, I didn't know how I was going to pull off this scene, but once I was done, I felt even more comfortable with my body. I felt that I could face any challenge in the world. 'Aadai' gave me the strength and team spirit for me to become a producer for 'Cadaver'."