In the expanding world of South Indian film industry, Toronto-based Sri Lankan singer Luksimi Sivaneswaralingam has become a current favourite. Renditioning the beautiful piece for Imman's latest hit 'Senthoora' for Arvind Swamy's 'Bogan', Luksimi said she had to work on her accent for the song. "It had to be in tune with the film's mood. It's a song where the heroine sheds all inhibitions to express her love. So we added a bit of huskiness to the voice and I'm glad it has worked with the audience," Luksimi said.
"The feeling is yet to sink in. Not many people get such a solid start and I thank Imman Sir for that." The singer was just three years old when she began her lessons in music. She is also trained in Bharatnatyam, Veena, Piano, and Western Classical vocals. Where Imman is concerned, he said he stuck to his gut feeling that the song will turn into a chartbuster. "I felt a new voice would suit the song and that's how I narrowed it down to Luksimi. She had sent me her voice clip through Instagram. Later, I met her at a show in Toronto. When the right moment came, I did not have to look elsewhere."