In a shocking move, Jr NTR fans launched a hate campaign against actress Meera Chopra on social media. It all began during her recent Twitter chat session, when a user asked her to describe Telugu actor Jr NTR in one word, and she replied, “I don't know him. I'm not his fan.” She expressed her admiration for actor Mahesh Babu, irking cyber trolls.
Chopra said, “This cyber bullying needs to stop. I can be anybody's fan in the world, it's my choice. They threatened me with gang rape, throwing acid on my face, murder and even wished that my parents die of Covid. All this when I hadn't said anything hurtful. Social media has become such a scary and toxic place. It's amusing to see how people can stoop to this low.”
She said she decided to take legal action after getting some “30,000 abuses”. She said, “I’ve always stood up for what’s right. I’d be a hypocrite if I don’t raise my voice against the wrong right now. So, I filed a complaint with Hyderabad city police and Hyderabad cyber crime cell. They’re looking into the matter and have asked me to file a complaint with Delhi police since I’m at my home in Delhi now, so that’s also done.”
Chopra even tagged Jr NTR in some of the tweets trying to bring his fans behaviour to this notice. “These fans clubs used my answer to start a fight between Mahesh Babu and Jr NTR. How ridiculous! I think actors must be aware of their fan clubs. They must address such extreme behaviour. Fans treat actors as Gods, I’m sure they’d listen to them,” she said.