Kollywood actress Amala Paul has come out in support of filmmaker and poet Leena Manimekalai who has accused director Susi Ganesan of sexual misconduct, as part of the MeToo movement. However, the 'Thiruttu Payale' director denied her allegations and said that he would file a defamation case against Leena. Now, Amala has issued a statement, extending her support to Leena.
Amala adds that she too faced similar situations with director Susi Ganesan, while shooting for 'Thiruttu Payale 2.' She said that she was subjected to double meaning talks and unchivalrous bodily contacts, thereby making her shooting experience a mentally fatiguing one.
Her official statement reads, "I support Leena Manimekalai's allegations and can imagine this episode happening with her, from a man who has a twisted set of moral values and utterly low respect for women. She being an aspiring director could have made her an easy target for such an incidence to take place. Me too despite being the leading actress for 'Thirutu Payale 2' was subjected to double meaning talks, misrepresented offers and unchivalrous bodily contacts. This pretty much made my experience of shooting TP2, a mentally fatiguing one. I can totally understand what she could have been subjected through. I applaud her for the courage she showed by narrating her ordeal on a public platform.
“In our emerging economy and ever expanding female work force, this behaviour is rampantly occurring everywhere, in all trades and industries. These men treat their wives and daughters different, but when it comes to their colleagues they don't miss a chance to show an upper hand and take advantage. This is one of the main reasons, we Indians are unable to unlock our true potential either in creative, service or spiritual industries. But true change will come when service and unorganized sectors are also heard for their #metoo ordeals.”