Actress Manju Warrier, who currently awaits the release of Mohanlal-starrer 'Odiyan' was recently hurt while shooting for an action sequence for Santosh Sivan's 'Jack and Jill' in Haripad, Kerala. Sources said she suffered minor injuries and was taken to a hospital nearby where she received a few stitches. While the particular schedule of the film was to end on December 7, it has been extended by few days owing to Manju's injury.
The film is a suspense thriller and also stars Kalidas Jayaram and Soubin Shahir. It also marks Santosh's comeback to the Malayalam film industry after his critically acclaimed work 'Urmi' in 2011. On the work front, Warrier awaits the release of Mohanlal's magnum opus 'Odiyan' on December 14. She is also working with him on another project titled 'Lucifer'. The film will mark the debut of actor Prithviraj as director.