Renowned Indian film director Mani Ratnam along with music maestro AR Rahman will be unveiling the trailer for the Amazon Original Tamil film 'Putham Pudhu Kaalai', an anthology of five short films. Each film is centred on a unique theme of love, new beginnings, second chances, and a glimmer of hope- set and filmed in the times of the nationwide lockdown. The anthology marks the union of celebrated directors from the Tamil cinema, including Suhasini Mani Ratnam, Sudha Kongara, Gautam Menon, and Karthik Subbaraj presenting 5 short films with a distinctive storyline, characterization and narrative; however, are seamlessly woven into the common theme of New Beginnings.
These short films include:
'Ilamai Idho Idho' directed by Sudha Kongara ('Soorarai Pottru') starring Jayaram ('Uttama Villain'), Kalidas Jayaram ('Poomaram') and Urvashi ('Soorarai Pottru'), Kalyani Priyadarshan ('Hero').
2) Avarum Naanum/Avalum Naanum directed by Gautham Vasudev Menon (Yennai Arindhaal) starring M.S. Bhaskar (Sivaji: The Boss) and Ritu Varma (Pelli Choopulu).
3) Coffee, Anyone? directed by and starring Suhasini Mani Ratnam (Sindhu Bhairavi), Anu Hasan (Indira), Shruti Haasan (Treadstone).
4) Reunion directed by Rajiv Menon (Kandukondain Kandukondain) starring, Andrea (Vada Chennai), Leela Samson (OK Kanmani) and Sikkhil Gurucharan.
5) Miracle directed by Karthik Subbaraj (Petta) featuring Bobby Simha (Petta) and Muthu Kumar (Pattas).