A 32-year-old man was arrested for harassing Kollywood actress Amala Paul while she was at a dance school. The man identified as Azhagesan visited the dance school and introduced himself and inquired if she would be visiting Malaysia for a function. The actress replied in the positive. He then asked if there was any party planned for a day after the programme, to which the actress replied that after-parties are a routine for programmes held abroad. The man, then went on to ask her if she is interested in attending a party thrown by an individual at his guest house in Kuala Lumpur.
Sensing something was amiss, Amala later lodged a complaint with the police. Police registered a case under Section 4 of Tamil Nadu Women Harassment (Prevention) Act. During inquiries, Azhagesan told police that his friend Baskar, informed him that a businessman is throwing a party for the actress in Malaysia which the actress has agreed to attend, and asked him to confirm of her attendance and also gave him her Malaysia contact number. Azhagesan told the police that he called the actress' Malaysia number and that her manager asked him to meet her in the dance school. However, the manager denied talking to Azhagesan. Azhagesan was remanded in custody.