Malayalam actress Mamta Mohandas took part in he viral #10yearchallenge on World Cancer Day and she shared a collage of her recent picture along with a photo that was taken in 2009 when she was fighting cancer. She expressed her gratitude to the people who stood by her in the battle against the disease. “As it's WORLD CANCER DAY, I had decided that my #10yearchallenge will have to wait until today I GOT CANCER... CANCER DIDN't GET ME” she wrote in a Facebook once.
Mamta, who battled Hodgkn's Lymphoma, wrote, “2009 was the year that changed everything for me and impacted every plan my family had for us. Last 10 years has been quite a challenge and as I look back come 2019, I'm proud to realise that I have fought tirelessly, stayed strong and survived. Staying positive and strong for several years is very hard but if I have done it, there are few people behind it. All Thanks to Dad-Mom(thank you is a speck of a word to express my gratitude to you), a few of my cousins who have shown me what sibling-love is and my dearest friends who always cared to call or text to check if I am ‘actually well’ and not just pretending to be ok, all the good work that comes my way and colleagues who challenge me to perform better and to all the opportunities given to me by the universe to realize what’s right for me and what’s not.”
In the end she wrote, “Never forget Bald Heads Turn Heads.” On the work front, Mamta is currently waiting for the release of Malayalam movie 'Nine'.