Malayalam filmmaker Shrikumar Menon of 'Odiyan' fame, has been caught up in an alleged cheating case. He has, however, clarified that the alleged case filed against him was not related to movie production. He said he is related to cinema only as a director and the case was about a failed repayment of a loan that he would not do before the stipulated period “due to the unwelcome scenario of Covid-19”.
According to a media report, the Sreevalsam Group went to court three months ago, accusing Menon of pocketing £700,000 on the pretext of producing a film and failing to meet the promise. A case was filed against the director under Section 420 of the IPC at the Alappuzha South police station in connection with the litigation.
Menon said he had taken loans “from various individuals and institutions as loans and deposits from time to time.” He added, “I was required to appear in the Alappuzha South police station to compile some legal procedures as a law-abiding citizen.” The filmmaker also said he is “amazed” at the media's interest in what he says is a personal issue between two individuals.