Actor Malavika Mohanan celebrated her 26th birthday over the weekend. While she got wishes galore, Malavika said she wanted to celebrate the day with the team of 'Master'. Calling Covid “stupid”, the actress wrote, “Was waiting to celebrate with #TeamMaster in Chennai, but stupid covid”.
The statement came in response to 'Master' director Lokesh Kanagaraj for the birthday wish. Makers of the movie also shared a poster featuring Malavika and Vijay.
Talking about the movie recently, Malavika said, “It was like a big college picnic. It was so much fun. We made something cool and different from anything that has been made in Tamil cinema before. It was a blast working on the film. I wish I could say more but yes, it is going to be a treat for Vijay and Vijay Sethupathi fans for sure. It is going to be madness.”
The movie, which was initially scheduled to release on April 9 this year. However, it got postponed due to the pandemic.