Malayalam actress Malavika Mohanan has grabbed the female lead in Iranian director Majid Majidi's upcoming Hindi film 'Beyond the Clouds'. The actress said that casting director Honey Trehan informed her that big stars like Deepika Padukone and Kangana Ranaut had vied for the role. “Everybody was contending, so he was like if you get it, good. The reason why I was cast is because I fit the character. I was happy I got the role. I love these actors. I think they are amazing and to be considered as a competition alongside them is an honour. I am glad I got to work in this film,” she said.
Malavika said when she first got a call from Trehan, she did not know that she will be doing a look test for the movie. “Trehan said don't get your hopes up as a lot of big actresses have done a look test... and are competing for it. Every actor wants to work with him. I was given a context and told to interpret the character in my own. I went home, decided what Tara would wear, like a bindi, nose ring, earring and did dusky make-up. I told my father to click some pictures on real locations like Madh Island.”
Majidi was reportedly so impressed with her photos that she did not have to go through an audition. “The look that was locked for the film was 90 per cent of my interpretation, like the nose ring, bindi and the hair. So I was happy that we envisioned in the same way,” Malavika said. She will star in the film with Ishaan Khatter, half brother of Shahid Kapoor. She plays his sister in the movie. “we both were cast as Majidi sir saw the characters of Tara and Amir in us. Ishaan is a very talented actor. He is very sharp and a quick learner. I have done a couple of more films than an average newcomer, so that (experience) did help.”