Actor Mahesh Babu took to Twitter recently to share a video from his upcoming Telugu production 'Major'. He tweeted, “#MajorBeginnings to the inspiring journey of the nation’s undying hero, Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan!! Best wishes to @AdiviSesh and the entire team! @MajorTheFilm @SonyPicsIndia @GMBents @sonypicsprodns @AplusSMovies @SashiTikka (sic).”
The film is based on the life of Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan, who rescued hostages during the 26/11 terror attack on the Taj Hotel in Mumbai, and died in the mission. Babu is co-producing the film with Sony Pictures Films. Directed by Sashi Kiran Tikka, 'Major' stars Adivi Sesh in the role of Major Unnikrishnan. A bilingual production, it also stars Sobhita Dhulipala.
The video sees Adivi Sesh talk about the inspiration to make a film. He said, “I can only say that he impacted my life from the first moment I knew about him. It was in 2008, I remember when I had seen his photograph, splashed across all the channels. I didn't know what to make of it, I kept wondering, who is this man?”
He added, “There was some sort of madness of spirit in his eyes. There was madness and there was a smile, I couldn’t understand it. He looked like he could be one of my family members, an older cousin, and then I found out he was Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan and he’d given his life for the country. I couldn’t stop looking at that now-iconic passport photograph.”