Tollywood superstar Mahesh Babu, who is currently shooting for his 25th film 'Maharshi', has unlocked a new achievement. His name is now a word in Urban Dictionary and its description has won many a Telugu and Tamil fans. The dictionary describes Mahesh Babu as “A sexy Indian Telugu actor that almost every girl is in love with. He is called prince because he is charming and very handsome.”
This is probably the first time a South Indian star has made it to the Urban Dictionary. His name and the description was added back on August 8, 2013, but the description is going viral now. The word has been updated yet again on June 18, 2018, with a negative definition. The second definition of Mahesh Babu reads, “Also known as Disaster Star. Looks like Gay, Know for his Fake records and collections.”
On the work front Mahesh Babu is shooting for his upcoming film 'Maharshi' which is being directed by Vamshi Paidipally. The film is touted to be a commercial potboiler and is currently being shot in and around Hyderabad. And as the shooting is underway, a picture of Mahesh Babu from the shooting spot of the film was recently leaked and went viral within minutes.