Currently shooting for upcoming Telugu film 'Sarkaru Vaari Paata' in Sharjah, actor Mahesh Babu has described the warmth and hospitality he is receiving as a “unique experience”. Shoot for the project in Dubai began in the last week of January. Most portion of the movie will be shot in Dubai and Sharjah.
Tweeting about the experience of shooting in Sharjah, Mahesh wrote, “Filming for #SarkaruVaariPaata at Sharjah's Mleiha (@discovermleiha) was truly a unique experience! The stories, amazing recreational activities, and stunning landscapes will stay my favorite for a long time to come! Appreciate the warmth and hospitality.”
The movie marks the maiden collaboration of director Parasuram and Mahesh Babu, who will be sharing screen space with Keerthy Suresh for the first time. If rumours are to be believed, Bollywood star Anil Kapoor has been approached with an offer to play the antagonist.