Director Indraganti Mohana Krishna's latest romantic comedy 'Sammohanam' dropped last Friday and has been receiving all kinds of praises ever since. Krishna has found several compliments for his illustrations and a fresh style of storytelling in the movie. Also, protagonists Sudheer Babu and Aditi Rao Hydari have played their parts beautifully. While applause continues to pour in from critics and the audience, the movie crew got a very special compliment from a superstar.
Mahesh Babu took to Twitter to specially laud the entire crew for the excellent film. “Sammohanam is beautifully written & brilliantly directed.. @mokris_1772 is one of the finest talents we have in our industry... What a film!!! Simple loved it”, Mahesh posted. He also added, “Top notch performance by @isudheerbabu & @aditiraohydari. Definitely their career best !!! Special mention to @ItsActorNaresh garu's performance. He was absolutely brilliant … Congratulations to the entire team!”