In a Q and A session with his fans on Instagram, Telugu superstar Mahesh Babu got candid, and opened about life in lockdown, and family. He is currently quarantining in Hyderabad with wife Namrata, son Gautham and daughter Sitara. Talking about how the lockdown has affected him, he said, “It's been an experience of a lifetime. I've done so many things with them that I wouldn't be able to do, had I been working.”
Son of late actor Krishna, he revealed his son Gautham holds acting ambitions as well. When asked if he had a crush, he said, “I did at 26! Then I married her @namratashirodkar”. He also called his “best friend.” Mahesh warned that life after the coronavirus pandemic will change drastically. He said, “Life will be different post lockdown. Be safe, wear a mask and be aware. We all have to accept this new normal. So stay safe, you all.”