Ace director/producer Mani Ratnam has decided to produce his next film 'Chekka Chivantha Vaanam'in collaboration with Lyca Productions. For the last 25 years his films were produced by Madras Talkies. So his next film 'Chekka Chivantha Vaanam' will be produced in collaboration with Lyca Productions. Ever since 'Roja' happened, Mani Ratnam has always been making films under his own production banner Madras Talkies and some big banners like Reliance and Thenandal Studio Limited have only collaborated to release his respective films like 'Raavanan' and 'Kaatru Veliyidai.' However with his new film, he has finally decided to go with Lyca Productions, who will be jointly producing this venture with Madras Talkies.