'Master' director Lokesh Kanagaraj has tested positive for the novel coronavirus. The filmmaker shared the news on Twitter early Monday, adding that he has been admitted to a private hospital. He tweeted, “Hello everyone, writing this to inform all my friends, family, and well-wishers that I have tested positive for Covid-19 and have been admitted in a private hospital where I am being taken good care of. Will be back soon and stronger, until then, Lokesh Kanagarj”.
Lokesh kickstarted his career with the 2016 anthology movie 'Aviyal'. He made his feature film directorial debut with the acclaimed Sundeeo Kishan film 'Maanagaram'. The movie also featured Sri, Regina Cassandra, Madhusudhan Rao and Charle in pivotal parts.
His 'Master' broke the box office, with fans rushing to cinema halls to witness their favourite hero Vijay on the big screen.