Both, Telugu and Tamil film industries have gone on a strike against digital service providers, stalling the release of movies from March 1. It has been reported that the issue was going on for quite some time now with filmmakers alleging that the money charged is too high, and comes as a burden to the producers. Members of digital distribution companies meanwhile claim that the prices charged are justifiable.
Producers have reportedly claimed implementation of GST is affecting collections and reducing the processing fee by digital service providers will reduce their burden. The South Indian Film Industry Joint Action Committee convenor, P Kiran, wrote a letter to the Telangana Film Chamber of Commerce, Telangana State Film Chamber of Commerce and Exhibitors Associations wrote, “For the past one month there have been many discussions with the DSPs and they have not accepted our requests.” Theatres in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana will reportedly shut down completely from March 2 onwards.