Kiruthiga Udhayanidhi, who recently debuted with romantic comedy 'Vanakkam Chennai', is all set to feature in her next, a suspense thriller 'Kaali', with Vijay Antony. The movie is said to have four heroines including Shilpa Manjunath, Anjali, Sunainaa, and Amritha. Expressing her excitement Kiruthiga took to Twitter to share her happiness on working with Anjali. “Shooting with @yoursanjali for #Kaali this month... love her actin n been wanting to work with her.. finally!”
Kiruthiga said, “Anjali will be playing one of the four female leads, but I cannot talk about her role because it is crucial to the plot. I chose Shilpa because I liked her unconventional look in a short video clip of hers that I came across. We did a test shoot and I felt that she would be apt for the role. This will be her launch in Tamil industry.”