Theatres in Kerala will remain shut despite the state government's go-ahead to reopen with 50 per cent cap on occupancy. Members of the Kerala Film Chamber of Commerce (KFCC) met in Kochi last week and decided to not resume screening in the state until their demands are met by the government.
KFCC has sought a relief package from the government as the box office took a severe hit following the coronavirus-induced lockdown. Members of the industry are disappointed that the government did not give any relief package to help the film industry which has suffered massive financial losses.
Theatre owners have requested the government to waive off fixed electricity charges incurred by cinemas during the lockdown period. They have also demanded full exemption on entertainment tax. Meanwhile, there is also an internal conflict brewing among producers and theatre owners. If reports are to be believed, theatre owners owe about £1.6 million to producers over films that were released before Covid. However, exhibitors claim that the due is not more than £425,000.