Actor Keerthy Suresh has completed shooting for her upcoming Telugu film 'Good Luck Sakhi'. She took to Twitter to make the announcement. Keerthy wrote, “And that's a WRAP! Thank you so much to this lovely team! It's been a pleasure working with all of you Sakhi, now and forever a part of me! #GoodLuckSakhi.”
The makers of the movie resumed shooting earlier in September to complete the remaining portion of the film. The teaser of the movie was unveiled on the Indian Independence Day. The film also stars Aadi Pinisetty and Jagapathi Babu in key roles. It features Keerthy in the role of a sharpshooter.
'Good Luck Sakhi' marks the Telugu debut of noted filmmaker Nagesh Kukunoor. He had revealed in a recent interview that he's terrified about finally making a film in Telugu – his mother tongue. He said, “It's my mother tongue but I never learned to read and write in Telugu. It's one of my biggest regrets. So every time I was either offered a Telugu film or thought about it, I was always terrified. It's like delving into a new language. I knew whenever I do direct, I would have to do a lot of homework.” The film has been predominantly shot in Hyderabad and Pune.