A day after Malayalam film actress Parvathy lodged a police petition against cyber abuse, the Ernakulam South Police arrested a 23 year old man identified as Vadakkancherry in Thrissur. A police team picked him from his house and charged him with Section 67 of the IT act. Sources said the accused was traced with the help of the Cyber Cell.
Parvathy of 'Bangalore Days' fame saw a wave of abuse showered on her in social media in the wake of her comments citing the alleged misogynous nature of film 'Kasaba' during an open forum in the recently concluded International Film Festival of Kerala. Ernakulam South CI Sibi Tom said, “We received the complaint on Sunday. She has given us a bunch of URLs of social media posts in which people have tried to harass her. Obscene language has been used in these posts. We have asked Twitter and Facebook for more information about these accounts.”
Reacting to the comments, veteran actor and lead of the film, Mammootty clarified that he has not assigned anyone to debate or respond on his behalf. “I don't go after controversies. What we need are meaningful debates. We all abide by freedom of speech and right to opinion.” He revealed that he had discussed the matter with Parvathy at the onset of the controversy itself and consoled Parvathy by pointing at the dangerous trend of dragging celebrities into unnecessary deadlocks. He emphasised the need to keep the freedom of opinion alive since it is as important as the freedom of expression.