After working stills from the sets of Karthik Subbaraj's forthcoming film 'Petta' were leaked last week, the filmmaker has requested fans of Thalaivar to refrain from sharing pictures and videos. He took to micro-blogging website Twitter, and wrote, “Kind request from #Petta team.. Pls do not share leaked stills or videos from shooting spot.. Need all your support Shocked to see channels like @ThanthiTV publishing leaked video as news. Guess next they would even telecast pirated movies as news... Completely Unethical..”
The tweet came days after working pictures of Rajinikanth from the spot went viral. The film crew is currently stationed in Varanasi, where they are reportedly shooting for an important schedule that will last a month. The already star-studded cast was recently joined by actor-director M Sasikumar, who confirmed the news on his social media saying, “Dream come true year for me. Sharing screen space with Superstar @rajinikanth Thank you @Karthiksubbaraj and @sunpictures. Proud being part of #Petta.”