Ace filmmaker Shankar will be collaborating with actor Kamal Haasan for one of the most highly anticipated sequels of 2019, 'Indian 2.' The project was officially launched a few months back on actor Kamal’s show 'Bigg Boss 2.' Few days back, director Shankar officially announced details about this project on his Twitter handle.
This film has been the talk of the town all week and the makers of the film have managed to keep the fans entertained and intrigued ever since the announcement of the project. Lyca Productions, who are bankrolling this project and director Shankar have been releasing new posters of Kamal Haasan in the new Senapathy attire, which have been going viral on social media.
The principal photography of the project began on January 18, and Lyca Productions have tweeted the news officially along with 2 brand new posters of Kamal Haasan from 'Indian 2.'
These ravishing new posters have been highly impressive leaving the audience in awe. Other cast details have not been revealed, but promotions for the film are on full swing and it has already grabbed a significant amount of attention on the project during its pre-production stages itself.