Veteran actor Kamal Haasan recently met Hollywood's A-list filmmaker Christopher Nolan of 'Interstellar' in Mumbai. Both the stars had a brief interaction after attending the event 'Reframing The Future of Film'. Haasan apologised to Nolan for watching the director’s 'Dunkirk' in digital format. Haasan tweeted, “Met Mr. Christopher Nolan. Apologised for seeing 'Dunkirk' in the digital format and in return I am sending 'Hey Ram' in digital format for him to see. Was surprised to know he had seen 'Papanaasam'.”
Filmmaker and archivist Shivendra Singh Dungarpur, who is hosting Nolan for all the three days, hopes the director's trip to India will draw attention to the cause of film preservation and restoration. A public lecture was conducted last week, followed by a discussion on 'Reframing The Future of Film' on April 1 in Mumbai with Nolan, Dean and Dungarpur. A round-table discussion is also planned with prominent personalities of the Indian film industry to be attended by Amitabh Bachchan, Shah Rukh Khan, Haasan, Shyam Benegal.