Director Lokesh Kanagarah tweeted a new poster from his upcoming film ‘Vikram’ featuring veteran actor Kamal Haasan in the lead role. The poster was released on the occasion of Kamal completing 62 years in the film industry. The poster shows Kamal wielding a samurai sword bathed in blood. The caption of the poster reads, “Once a lion, always a lion.”
The schedule of the movie is yet to begin. Even as the film was launched last month, the regular shooting did not begin owing to the pandemic. The latest update is that the filmmakers are all set to begin shooting the film by end of the month. The set work for the same is underway in a location in Karaikudi. It is said that the first schedule will begin with Kamal Hassan, Vijay Sethupathi, and Fahadh Faasil.
The first look of 'Vikram', which was released recently, featured the mugshots of Kamal Haasan, Vijay Sethupathi and Fahadh Faasil. The film also stars Antony Varghese, Narain and Arjun Das among others. If everything goes according to plan, the film will open in cinemas next summer.