Malayalam superstar Mohanlal has garnered a lot of praise lately for his stunning physical transformation, and a recent photo is just further proof that the actor is aging in reverse. Actor and daughter of veteran filmmaker Priyadarshan, Kalyani Priyadarshan took to Instagram to share a photo of herself and Mohanlal. In the picture, the two can be seen flexing their biceps in a gymnasium.
The two are currently shooting for ‘Bro Daddy’ in Hyderabad. The movie also stars Prithviraj, Mallika Sukumaran, Meena, Lalu Alex, Murali Gopy, Kaniha, and Soubin.
Lalettan is currently also awaiting the release of the period drama ‘Marakkar: Arabikadalinte Simham’. The Priyadarshan directorial was earlier supposed to release on August 12, but was delayed due to the second wave of coronavirus.