Actors Kajol and Amala Paul have been approached to play the role of former Tamil Nadu chief minister Jayalalithaa and her aide Sasikala respectively in an upcoming bilingual biopic on the former's life which will be directed by Kethireddy Jagadiswara Reddy. The update was confirmed by Reddy, who said, "We have sent them the script, and are awaiting their response. I am especially looking forward to Kajol's response, as I have worked with her late father-in-law, Veeru Devgan in films for Padmalaya Studios. I will once again narrate the script to them in person."
Reddy, who currently awaits the release of his NTR biopic titled 'Lakshmi's Veeragrandham', plans to make the film in Kannada, Hindi, Telugu, and Tamil. This is not the first biopic to be made on the stellar leader. There are currently multiple biopics being planned on former CM Jaya. One of the projects titled 'Thalaivi' stars Kangana Ranaut as Jayalalithaa, and will be directed by Vijay.
Another biopic is titled 'Iron Lady' and will star Nithya Menen in the titular role. The film will be directed by A Priyadarshini. Also, filmmaker Gautham Vasudev Menon is directing a web series based on the life of Jayalalithaa and Ramya Krishnan plays the yesteryear actor and politician in this show.
If all plays well for Reddy, he will start shooting from August as he has already completed most of the pre-production work. The film will be depicted from the point of view of Sasikala.