Reports reveal, after Trisha Krishnan, Kajal Aggarwal has opted out of Chiranjeevi's upcoming Telugu film 'Acharya' and chosen a Tamil project. It is to be noted that she had recently been taken on board as replacement for Trisha. Kajal reportedly opted out of the film to make herself available for one of her upcoming Tamil movies and since she couldn't juggle her dates, she chose to walk out of the Chiranjeevi-starrer.
Trisha, who had originally signed as the leading lady, also recently opted out of the project due to creative differences. The film is rumoured to feature Chiranjeevi in dual roles. Directed by Koratala Siva, it is about a middle-aged Naxalite-turned-social reformer who launched a fight against the Endowments Department over misappropriation and embezzlement of temple funds and donations.