South actress Jyotika made her Instagram debut last week, and since, has posted photos from her picturesque trip to the Himalayas. The actor went for the trip on Independence Day as the first photo has her striking a pose with the Indian flag. Sharing the pictures, Jyotika wrote that she is on the photo-sharing app to share a lot of positivity and give a glimpse of her lockdown diaries.
She captioned it, “Hello everyone! On social media for the very first time! A lot of positivity to share from my lockdown diaries. At the Himalayas on Independence Day, The beautiful Kashmir Great Lakes, 70 km trek With the awesome team of Bikat adventures- Rahul ,Sachin, Raul and Ashwin , n the Kashmir team Mushtaq n Riyaz bhai. Thank u. Life is only an existence, unless we start living it! India is gorgeous! Jai hind!”
One of the first to comment on the pictures, was her husband and superstar Suriya who was the first one to drop the comment. Welcoming her on Instagram, he wrote, “My pondatti Strongest!!! Thrilled to see you on Insta”.
In a statement, Jyotika talked about making her Instagram debut. She said, “I am happy to start my social media journey with Instagram today, and I look forward to sharing key moments from my life with my fans. For a very long time now, my well wishers have been urging me to join Instagram, which is loved by billions of people globally. Through my Instagram account, I look forward to spreading happiness, and connecting with all my loved ones – friends, family and fans.”