Jyothika who is seldom seen in the limelight never fails to impress her fans on screen, and in good news for her followers, the actress is set to entertain the audience with a Tamil remake of Vidya Balan's 'Tumhari Sulu'. Directed by Radha Mohan, 'Kaartin Mozhi' will remind you of the original, and Balan's sultry and now iconic style of saying “Hello” as an RJ. Trailer of the film has dropped and by the looks of it, everybody already loves it.
The short clip shows the life of Vijayalakshmi Balakrishnan, a homemaker trying to maker her life happier and more interesting. This is Jyothika and Mohan's second outing, after 2007's superhit hit 'Mozhi'. 'Kaatrin Mozhi' releases in cinemas on November 16, this year.