Giving a fantastic speech in Tamil, during the audio launch event of 'Magalir Mattum', actress Jyothika urged directors to respect female characters more. “Please give some dignity for women characters. Give them characters of the women like your mother, sister, and girlfriend that are the women in your life. I think cinema has a big impact on youth. Give intelligent roles to women. Don't make them a laughing stock with double meaning dialogues, cheap introduction scenes. Don't make the heroine shamelessly roam behind the hero to get his love,” she said.
The actress, who ruled the south film industry before she voluntarily quit after her marriage with actor Suriya, also added, “One heroine is enough for a hero in a film. Why we keep on increasing the number of heroines? It's just a message to the directors. Please make good films. Let's be socially responsible for the women in our country. This really has a big impact.”