Telugu superstar Jr NTR and his wife Lakshmi Pranathi have become parents to another baby boy. Already parents to four year old Abhay Ram, Jr NTR tweeted the good news saying, “The family grows bigger. It's a boy.” Congratulatory messages for the proud parents soon began to pour in. Actor Nani tweeted, “Congratulations babai. It's raining boys. Love to you all”. While Eesha Rebba wrote, “Congratulations to proud new parents! May these tiny feet will tiptoe with love into your hearts and stay there forever.”
Jr NTR married Lakshmi in 20122. Abhay, their first born arrived in July 2014. “My son's entry into my life changed the way I saw my career and my general outlook towards life. We keep thinking of what others feel when we do something. I was meant to be an actor and I realised that only after my son was born. I haven't been fully genuine in what I've been doing. The best thing after my son is my work and he taught me to be genuine,” Jr NTR had said.