Marking the occasion of former Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jayalalithaa's birth anniversary, producer Vidhnu Induri announced that her biopic will be titled 'Thalaivi'. The film will be helmed by director Vijay of 'Madarasapattinam' fame and Vijayendra Prasad, writer of hit films like 'Baahubali' and 'Bajrangi Bhaijaan', will be supervising the script. The biopic will be shot simultaneously in Tamil, Telugu, and Hindi.
The announcement comes at a time when reports of various filmmakers are keen to adapt the later leader's life to the big screen. Apart from Vidhnu Induri, A Priyadhaarshini and veteran director Bharathiraja announced that they are also shooting a biopic. Producer Bharadwaj is bankrolling the film directed by Bharathiraja and Illayaraja will be compsing the music. Titled 'Thaai: Puratchi Thalaivi', there have been rumours that either Aishwarya Rai or Anushka Shetty will be roped in to play Jayalalithaa.
Meanwhile, Priyadhaarshini’s biopic has actress Nithya Menen on board and the filmmaker had even shared a first look photo. Nithya Menen’s striking resemblance to the politician caught everyone’s attention.