Former Indian cricketers Irfan Pathan and Harbhajan Singh have decided to try their luck on the big screen as well. After a successful innings, both the cricketers will now debut in Tamil cinema. Irfan will be seen in a prominent role in the upcoming Vikram film, tentatively titled 'Vikram 58', directed by Ajay Gnanamuthu and produced by Lalith Kumar’s Seven Screen Studio. Meanwhile, Harbhajan will debut in the Santhanam-starrer 'Dikkiloona', directed by Karthik Yogi and produced by KJR Studios and Soldiers Factory.
The producers of the film tweeted confirmation that Irfan was on board. "Proud and honoured to introduce @IrfanPathan in #ChiyaanVikram58 in a super stylish action avatar!! Welcome on Board sir and wish you a sensational debut," read a tweet by co-producers Seven Screen Studio. Vikram is known as Chiyaan to his fans. AR Rahman has scored music for "Vikram 58". Filming of the project will begin soon, and will be done across various parts of India.
Harbajan also announced his debut in Tamil films on Twitter. "Introducing me to Tamil cinema @kjr_studios, #dikkiloona @SoldiersFactory, @iamsanthanam. Thanks to the team. The earth that formed. These are the relationships that stopped me from saying words," Harbhajan tweeted.
Incidentally, both Irfan and Harbhajan are no strangers to Chennai, having played for the Chennai Super Kings in the Indian Premier League. Harbhajan, in fact, regularly tweets in Tamil to connect with his fans in Tamil Nadu.