Actress Vidya Balan is all set to feature in her first Telugu movie, a biopic on legendary actor-politician and former chief minister of Andhra Pradesh, NT Rama Rao. While interacting with the media recently, she said she was having a great time shooting for the film as the cast and crew are really good and professional. “So, I am very excited about that. I have never delivered dialogues in another language apart from Hindi. Earlier, I did special appearances for one-two scenes in Malayalam film but in this film, I have a full-fledged role,” the actress said.
Vidya plays the character of NTR's wife Basavatarakam. “I have shot for around five days for the film but it has been a really nice experience as the team is really good and professional. We start shooting sharp at 9 am and finish dot at 6 pm, which is really a unique experience for me,” she said. The 'Tumhari Sulu' was recently announced the ambassador of the Malta India Film Festival.
'N.T.R' is a Telugu-Hindi bilingual much-awaited biopic on the life of Nandamuri Taraka Rama Rao. Nandamuri Balakrishna, NTR's sixth son plays him in the film. He is also producing the movie along with Sai Korrapati Ranganatha and Vishnu Induri under NBK Films, Vaarahi Chalana Chitram and Vibri Media banners.